DFA Intern- Kopo Neo Keaikitse, shares her experience working with us.
Meet Our Intern- Kopo Neo Keaikitse, a Student of International Relations Politics and History at Jacobs University Bremen, Germany!!!
Kopo shares her wonderful experience about her internship with Donors For Africa Foundation:
As a Communications, Marketing and Social Media Intern for Donors For Africa, my task mostly consisted of setting up posting schedules for the various Social Media platforms that the organization has and editing reports. My work was not limited to this and I was able to contribute to other departments which allowed me to gain further knowledge.
At large, I was able to experience working in a professional setting where it was not a team of people of the same age as me, but various age groups. This allowed me to further learn how to interact with those older than me in a professional setting. Monday mornings for me consisted of team updates where we would meet over zoom and discuss the tasks we had completed the week before as well as plan what needs to be done over the following week.
Being my first internship, I was introduced to my first professional working setting outside the activities that I partook in during school. I was able to learn work etiquette, in terms of communicating with work mates, the style of presenting work, and many more. Having the opportunity to work remotely allowed me to grasp remote work skills that I believe going forward will be more and more beneficial.
I gained essential remote working skills, which I had never thought I would need until the events that took place. If there is one thing this year taught me is to always make the most out of situations. Regardless of the Pandemic, I was able to work with an organization from my home. I also learned more about what goes on into Marketing, the importance of selling a story that sticks. My time management greatly improved also, as I had to learn to balance my day to day life during the pandemic with working on the internship
I would recommend this Internship Opportunity as it is a chance to work with an organization that actively works towards effective impact being made in Africa. Furthermore, for me, it was motivational to work with a team of women who motivates young people in the industry and work hard to provide opportunities for people.
I would like to thank Donors For Africa Foundation for allowing me to take part in this opportunity. I would also like to thank the AL for Governance Team for making it all possible.